Discord: Eagle World
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Eagle World Rules

  • Rules that are changed will be notified in the latest News and will be marked with
  • Read the rules carefully so that you do not suffer any penalty.

  • Rules

    1. Names

    a) Names that contain insulting words (eg "Bastard"), racist and prejudiced words (eg "Negro").
    b) Names that contain the words that refer to the administration (eg "ADM", "GOD", "CM", "GM", "TUTOR”).

    2. Gamemasters

    a) Threaten a gamemaster because of his actions or position as a gamemaster.
    b) Pretending to be a gamemaster or to influence the decisions of a gamemaster.
    c) Intentionally providing wrong or misleading information to a gamemaster regarding his inquiries or making false reports of rule violations.

    3. Player Killing

    a) The practice of "TRAP RED" and "TRAP BLACK" is prohibited: "use of several characters stacked in one place, with the purpose of causing another player (s) to acquire red skull or black skull involuntarily.”

    4. Chat Channel ("Public")

    a) Prohibited SPAM: "Several players send similar phrases in a short period of time”.
    a.1) The limit of ads that a player can send inside depots, temple boats is 15 seconds.
    b) The sharing of personal information (eg IP, addresses, social networks, etc.) is prohibited.
    c) The Help chat is for restricted use to clarify doubts. It should be used for any questions, regarding game mechanics, quests, items, addons, mounts, doubts about accounts, updates and etc. It is clear that the channel should be used for questions. Any player who uses the help for other purposes, such as complaints, discussions, jokes, spam, sales, announcements, etc., and is seen by a tutor or staff member, in addition to receiving a mute will be liable to be banned from the account used. We have the tickets and the forum for you to express all your opinion, indignation or praise, do not use the Help for that.
    d) World chat & English chat: Sales, purchases and exchanges are prohibited. Spam's forbidden (sending the same similar message in a short period of time).

    5. Blocking locations

    a) It is forbidden to block other players from accessing boats.
    b) Blocking for other players from accessing any quest or boss is prohibited.

    Trap Quest / Boss Definition: Block the access of other players who have the real intention of carrying out a quest on the spot, preventing the passage, even after confirmation of the players' intention.

    Operation: The team that is blocking a location that has a quest, must make way for one or more players that want to carry out the quest in question. Players who enter must go immediately to the quest. Incoming players will not be allowed to pvp, hunt within the location, or stand still. Since the intention is to do the quest. Right after the quest, players must leave the place, being forbidden to stay online, or log out of the area. Reports: The report related to this rule can be made by both parties involved:

    1- Players who want to complete the quest, if they are prevented from entering, can report on Help, the case will be analyzed by a GM who is online, and if the team insists on preventing the passage, it will be banned.

    2- Players who are blocking access to the site, and have opened the way for one or more players to do the quest, can report them through the Help, if the players who entered did not go to do the local quest, the case will be analyzed by a GM who is online, and if the player (s) have not gone to do the quest, these players will be banned.

    Video Report: If one of the parties has reported the irregularity in the Help and a GM is not online at the moment to check the occurrence, they must record the case.

    1- The player who wants to enter, must record attempts to dialogue with the team that is cheating, explaining that he wants to enter to do the quest and does not receive an answer or has not been able to get in.

    2- Players who are blocking a location, when asked to open access to the quest, must start recording the video and release the player's passage, and accompany him throughout the course of the quest, if the player (s) ) that entering (in) deflects the focus beyond the quest such as: starting PVP, logging out of the area, hunting on the spot and / or refusing to go towards the quest, or even refusing to leave after you have done it, then it will be considered as a false report and then the player who entered the place will be punished.

    Comments: All videos must be on the entire screen and it must be proven that this is Aurera-Global. The player recording the video must open the Help Channel and keep that channel active.

    6. Events

    a) The use of "multiclients" within events organized by the server is prohibited.

    7. HACKING

    a) Any website published in the game will be considered HACK LINK, except the official website "Official" and tibia fansites.

    b) It does not apply to video links on youtube of players that produce content that does not harm the good reputation of the server.

    8. Character Limit (4 characters)

    a) Players who exceed the limit of 4 characters per navigation will be considered offenders.

    obs 1: It is allowed to upload more than 4 characters but in different locations. Ex .: 4 (four) characters in Dragon hunt in darashia and 4 (four) characters in thais, but never in the same place.
    obs 2: This rule does not apply to players during WAR (Will be evaluated by Staff online at the moment).
    obs 3: It is not allowed to join two or more navigations that adding the number of characters in both exceed 4 characters, that is, it is allowed to walk only 4 characters together, if it is found that 2 navigations that together exceed the 4 characters and they are walking together , then these will be banned.

    9. Buying and Selling Virtual Content

    a)It is considered illegal to buy or sell any virtual content from the server, such as gold, items, houses, characters, accounts, etc., using real money (R $, $, EUR) as the currency of exchange. The player who is caught committing such an infraction will suffer the penalties applicable to the case, which consists of the banning of the character used for purchase, for the offer or sale itself and ALL characters linked to this character.

    b) Likewise, the purchase of any virtual content with the characteristics already mentioned in the previous point is considered illegal.

    10. Bug abuse

    a) As a logical matter, it is forbidden to abuse any bug inside the server, regardless of the "benefit" that the player tries to obtain with such action.

    Obs 1: The punishment for abuse of bugs will be one of the most severe on our server. In cases where the involvement of one or more players is proven, there will be an irreversible deletion of all accounts belonging to that player, even if other accounts have not actively participated in the infraction.
    Obs 2: Every case of a bug must be reported directly to staff, preferably via ticket, so that it can be analyzed and, if possible, resolved. We count on the help and collaboration of all players to keep our server free from this inconvenience.

    11. Personal information

    a) The player is aware that the server administration can access a user's personal information for the security of the server and the user, this information can be ip, in-game conversations, in-game transactions, in-store purchases, market purchases and any or all types of player movements that interest the server.
    Obs 1: This information will never be revealed to the public, it will only be used when necessary.
    Obs 2: The player is aware that no team member will ask for any type of information previously mentioned, since the information is automatically generated only by the player who is connected.

    12. Casinos

    a) The practice of the casino inside the server will be allowed, regardless if it is an online or offline casino.

    Obs 1: It is strictly forbidden to practice the casino inside the server depot's, the only exception is in the depot of Rangiroa, where specifically in this city the practice is allowed.
    Obs 2: The player who decides to play in a casino, has full responsibility for his actions and the value or item used in it. The staff is not responsible, investigates and / or returns any item or value lost by the player in cases of theft. That is, the practice of the casino, both for those who create and for those who gamble is of total and exclusive personal responsibility.
    Obs 3: Regardless of the evidence obtained by the player of a possible theft that is posted on our means of service (FORUM and TICKET) the topic will be closed, without any response from the staff.

    13. Power Abuse

    a) The practice of Power Abuse within the hunts of the server is strictly prohibited. The offender will be responsible for receiving notifications given by Gamemasters, and may accumulate to the point of receiving a ban from the character in question.

    Obs 1: All reports in game will be evaluated by a Gamemaster as soon as possible, following a careful analysis and observing the necessary parameters, the notifications may or may not be applied. For out-of-game reports, evidence in the form of video will be accepted, where the entire screen must be captured, showing all the action of the possible offender, these reports must be forwarded via the forum or through WhatsApp server support.

    Obs 2: After 5 notifications have been applied, a ban will occur on the offender's account.

    Obs 3: The criteria observed by the Gamemaster during the action of the possible offender will be:

    1 -The level of those involved in Power Abuse in relation to the level of the attacked characters.
    2 - The hunt specifically that players are invading to practice Power Abuse.
    3 - The real intention of the player when entering a hunt and killing the players who were previously hunting.
    4 - The frequency of the character's previous Power Abuse activities.
    5 - The number of characters that are together at the time of possible Power Abuse practice.
    6 - The action taken by the reported characters after killing players within the hunt.
    7 -This rule will not apply to locations that are not specifically hunting, such as cities, routes, etc.

    Eagle World
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